Pastor Phill Howell, from Embassy Church in the Chicagoland area, gives an update about an upcoming AGTV teaching series on the ascension of Christ. (Due to losing his voice, filming has been delayed). In the meantime, Phill shares how the Lord used the American Gospel: Christ Alone film to lead a local prosperity preaching pastor to repent of his false teaching.
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EPIC: Episode 5 - Germany & Ecuador
Decision-making Without Hearing from ...
Many Christians are crippled by the decision making process. If God is not whispering directions to His children outside Scripture, then how are we to make decisions, both big and small? Is there a pattern we see inside Scripture by which the Apostles made decisions? In this episode we will see t...
The New Apologetics that No One Talks...
Emilio Ramos, founder of Red Grace Media, provides an in depth review of the new apologetics that Christians must know. New Christian apologetics are not to replace the top evidences for the Bible, top evidences for the existence of God, top evidences for the resurrections of Jesus Christ, or evi...