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Errors - E.5 - Sanctify - Mike Abendroth

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Christian Suffering | Russell Berger - E.8 - Room For Nuance Podcast

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  • Errors - E.5 - Sanctify - Mike Abendroth

    Pastor Mike wraps up the 5 part series on “Sanctify” by addressing a series of errors that should be avoided by all Christians (antinomianism, nomism, perfectionism and more!).

  • Evangelical Deconstruction - E.117 - ...

    In Colossians 2:8, the apostle Paul exhorts believers to not be taken captive through philosophies and deceptions that are rooted in the traditions of men. Deconstruction, a philosophy that has its origins in Marxism, is one of those deceptions. And yet, there are those within evangelicalism toda...

  • The Onslaught of Pagan Spirituality -...

    Does a "new apologetic" mean we do away with traditional Christian apologetics? Absolutely not. But, our culture has not only become post-Christian, it has become a "post-everything" culture. Specifically, pagan spirituality has begun to run rampant, leading to the idea that there are no distinct...