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Word of Faith and Longevity Refuted - Digging Deeper - Andreas Wiget

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Pure In Heart | Garrett Kell - E.1 - Room For Nuance Podcast

Most Popular • 2h 12m

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  • Word of Faith and Longevity Refuted -...

    Word of Faith founder Kenneth Hagin believed he will live up to 120 years of age. His successor Kenneth Copeland believes the same way. This assumption is based on a misunderstanding of Genesis 6:3, where the Lord says, "My Spirit will not remain with man forever, because he is also flesh; nevert...

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  • The Religious Spirit of the New Apost...

    According to the NAR, the "Religious Spirit" is an actual demon that hates doctrine and tries to squelch out the "new wine" of the New Apostolic Reformation. In this video, Daniel and Robin look to the Scriptures to see if what the "apostles" of the NAR say about this so-called demon is Biblical....