Lesson two of The Rule of Faith opens up our study of the Creed’s first clause, “I believe in One God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.” Pastor Adriel unpacks some key terms like: monotheism, polytheism, and deism. He also discusses the importance of the Creator creature distinction, and gives some practical insights on the doctrine of divine providence.
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Week 6 - Beholding God and the Respon...
NAR: Myth or Movement? - Roundtable T...
We are a week away from publishing the “NAR: Myth or Movement?” roundtable discussion for AGTV subscribers!
Is the New Apostolic Reformation a real movement that promotes dangerous false teachings that have subjected countless people to spiritual abuse and manipulation? Or is the label "NAR" bei...
Todd White’s Heart Condition Proves H...
God is once again granting Todd White an opportunity for repentance by allowing him to be afflicted with a severe heart condition. Todd recently informed his followers of the news, yet he sadly doesn’t see how this exposes his false teachings. Todd teaches that it’s always God’s will to heal and ...