Alistair Begg, Don Green, and Emilio Ramos respond to common objections to the sovereignty of God over evil and suffering. Phil Johnson explains how we are to understand God's decrees.
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The Importance of Holiness - E.1 - Th...
Holiness is the characteristic of God’s nature that is at the very core of His being. Only as we encounter God in His holiness is it possible for us to see ourselves as we really are. The view of God presented in Isaiah 6:1–4 leaves an individual with a deep sense of awe at the greatness of His m...
The Essential Church - (Official Teaser)
When Grace Community Church faces state orders to shut down indefinitely because of the COVID-19 pandemic, they realize the state’s attempt to replace Jesus Christ as the head of the Church. This sets off a series of challenges leading to a surprising pathway forward, suing the government. This u...
Scripture alone - Chris Rosebrough
Pastor Chris Rosebrough begins this series on the five Solas with a thorough discussion on the sufficiency of Scripture. Decades ago, battles were fought to preserve confidence in the Inerrancy of Scripture, but with that conflict subsiding, a new battle rages within evangelicalism. These days, t...