In this episode, the big topic of “revivalism” is addressed. The modern Evangelical movement began in the 1730’s with a series of revivals that came to be known as “The Great Awakening.” The immense influence of George Whitefield is still being debated today, and this video tries to explain why a guy from 300 years ago is so important. Also, the very important theological idea of “monergism” is explained and discussed
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Itching Ears - Spirit & Fire (Clip)
There's a man-centered “gospel” that says that Jesus died because you were so valuable. He saw the "gold" underneath your sin and was motivated by your worth or value to save you. Another way that this is said is, "The cross isn't a revelation of your sin, but a revealing of your value." Some eve...
The Enneagram and a Heretic’s Christ ...
Franciscan Friar Richard Rohr has been very influential in reshaping the theology and practice in large segments of the evangelical church. His disciples, Suzanne Stabile, Ian Cron, Christopher Heuretz, Beth McCord and others are some of the biggest selling authors from what are thought of as eva...
EPIC (Official Trailer)