This feature-length documentary designed to help you learn about the true nature of the church and how it is intended to function. The more we understand this, the more we will love the church. The more we learn how the church aids our faith and brings glory to God, the more we will thank God for the church.
The church is truly the most glorious thing under heaven, for it is the communion of the saints, the pillar and ground of truth, the household of God, and the bride of Christ. Join us as we explore over 2,000 years of church history, from its first-century foundations in Ancient Israel to its global presence today.
FEATURING: Gregg Allison, Voddie Baucham, Josh Buice, Mark Dever, Salvador Gomez, Jeffrey Johnson, Robert Letham, Anthony Mathenia, Tom Nettles, Michael Reeves, John Snyder, Owen Strachan, Sam Waldron, Jeremy Walker, and Paul Washer.
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