Genesis was written for Jesus, not Darwin. The Genesis is an in-depth, Christ-centered study of the Bible's first three chapters. Isaiah 46.10 says that God "declares the end from the beginning." In this video series we will also learn the importance and primacy of biblical eschatology as God declares the end, literally from "the beginning" -- the Genesis of all things.
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Four Features of a Godly Woman (Sessi...
Anthony Wood lays out the role of a biblical wife and encourages women to embrace God’s glorious design for them in marriage.
Spirit & Truth (Official Trailer)
When we think about worship, we too often ask ourselves the wrong questions. What do I like? What would non-christians like? What would the people in my church like? All along, we're missing the central question. How does God want to be worshiped?
Spirit & Truth dives into Scripture and hist...
Strange Fire - John MacArthur
Some of the most serious sins against God are committed in corrupt worship. Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, were killed by the Lord as they conducted their priestly duties in the Tabernacle. Why? Because they diverted from God's clear instructions and burned incense that He had not authorized...