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How Progressives Obliterate Scripture - Chris Rosebrough

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  • How Progressives Obliterate Scripture...

    Pastor Chris Rosebrough walks through a common Bible twisting technique used by Progressive Christianity advocates. These teachers take one verse out of context and use it to nullify everything else in the Bible that they dislike. They pit Jesus against Moses, and the New Testament against the Ol...

  • Temptations of the Digital Age (Part ...

    In this sermon Tom Pennington discusses the subject of sexual immorality and its relationship to the digital age.

  • What is the Way to Worship? - E.5 - H...

    Since Jesus ascended into heaven, what should we be doing now? Should we also be try to “ascend” up to God? This episode looks at Hebrews 10:19-25 because this passage clearly teaches that Jesus’ ascension opened up the only way for humans to meet with God for worship.