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  • AG3: Spirit & Fire - Interview with Brandon Kimber - Chris Rosebrough

    Brandon Kimber joins pastor Chris Rosebrough to discuss American Gospel: Spirit & Fire.

  • Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of God - Official Trailer 2

    If you think the Puritans are defined by scarlet letters and witch burnings, you really don't know these physicians of the soul. Get to know the Puritans in this feature-length documentary that spans continents and centuries.

    Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of God is part of a larger study on...

  • Matthew Henry - The Life and Times of the Bible Commentator

    300 years ago Matthew Henry wrote his internationally renowned commentary on the Bible which has been of enormous benefit to Christians throughout the centuries. ‘Matthew Henry: The Life & Times of the Bible Commentator' takes a look at the story of the man behind the Commentary, exploring his sp...

  • What is Truth? - E.1 - Road Trip to Truth - John Fabarez

    If God is the standard of reality that defines truth, then we must look to His Word to find the answer to the question, “What is truth?”

  • The Still Small Voice & The Verse on the Page - E.3 - God Doesn't Whisper

    The voice of God is often referred to “the still small voice” that Elijah heard in 1 Kings 19. Elijah is often used as a model for us today. Likewise, when a verse “jumps off the page” while reading Scripture, it is regarded as the “voice of God” that conveys a special message. In this episode, w...

  • On The Shoulders of Giants - Wretched TV

    Let Todd Friel take you on a six country European tour that will introduce you to the great reformers who are your Christian ancestors. These men and women were too good for this world. And yet, they were strangled, quartered and even burned to death so that we could have the truth.

  • Word of Faith - Chapter 2: Christ Alone

    The Word of Faith movement (the prosperity gospel) appeals to man's natural sinful desires by promising health, wealth, and happiness to those who come to Christ. This message of "Jesus +" is attractive, but it leaves a person unprepared for the suffering that the true gospel promises.

  • Cessationist (Trailer)

    Are the miraculous gifts for today?

    From speaking in tongues to attempting to raise the dead, Charismatic Christians believe they are participating in modern miracles. But are these miracles real? Are the Apostolic gifts that we see in the New Testament still in operation today? Cessationist ans...

  • The Gospel - E.1 - He Ascended - Phill Howell

    After Jesus ascended and poured out the Holy Spirit on His followers Peter stepped up and preached the gospel (Acts 2:14—36). This first episode provides an overview of the biblical gospel and the biblical foundations for the rest of this teaching series.

  • EPIC: Episode 3 - Ireland & Scotland

  • The Law - Law & Gospel (Ep. 2) - Mike Abendroth

    In episode two of Law & Gospel, Mike Abendroth explores the law of God through five questions:

    1. Is God's law good?
    2. How generally was the law revealed in history?
    3. What are the different functions of God's law?
    4. What are the two relationships people can have to the law Giver?
    5. What wa...

  • The Biblical Husband (Session 1) - Fused - For the Gospel

    Costi Hinn unpacks the biblical role of a husband and encourages men to strive in grace to be who God has called them to be.

  • Introduction - E.1 - Steve and Paulette's Place

    Welcome to Steve and Paulette’s Place!

    When it comes to various church experiences, Steve and Paulette Kozar have done it all: youth group leaders, worship band, prophetic prayer team, and more. After seeing a parade of young people abandon their faith upon entering adulthood, including their ow...

  • Declaring the Sufficiency of Christ in Salvation - E.2 - Roman Catholicism

    Did you know that Catholics worship and trust a false Christ who returns everyday to continue the work of redemption on an altar that the true Christ finished on the cross? In this episode evangelist and former Catholic, Mike Gendron looks through the lens of Scripture to contrast the Eucharistic...

  • The Essential Church - Official Trailer

    When Grace Community Church faces state orders to shut down indefinitely because of the COVID-19 pandemic, they realize the state’s attempt to replace Jesus Christ as the head of the Church. This sets off a series of challenges leading to a surprising pathway forward, suing the government. This u...

  • The Attributes of God - Chapter 2: Christ Crucified

    In order fully understand the gospel, we must first understand who God is. In Exodus 34:6-7 we see a clear picture of a God who is compassionate and gracious, willing to forgive all types and kinds of sin, "yet He will be no means leave the guilty unpunished." This dilemma is explained in the cro...

  • Demon Possession & Sanctification - E.6 - Spiritual Warfare: Truth or Territory?

    Modern spiritual warfare experts teach that exorcisms are something Christians should be performing today. Others believe that exorcisms are essential for our growth in sanctification. Are these things biblical? In episode 6, we take a look at what the Bible says about exorcisms and Christian san...

  • In Memory of James Bynum - AG3: Spirit & Fire

    James Bynum, one of our interview subjects for "American Gospel: Spirit & Fire," went home to be with Christ in February 2021. This is a preview of some of his interview, describing his 2014 encounter with people outside of a Benny Hinn event.

  • Progressive Christianity - Chapter 1: Christ Crucified

    Progressive Christianity’s distortion of the gospel is introduced through the lens of three faith journeys: Alisa Childers, Bart Campolo, and Russell Berger.

  • Gratitude - The Bergers: Voyage of Life - Episode 4

    As Campbell is confined to a wheelchair, the Bergers push their doctors for a diagnosis, and learn a lesson in gratitude.

  • Season 1 Introduction - Adventures with Ranger Joe

    For more information on Generations of Grace Streaming:

  • Week 1 - Beholding God: The Great Attraction

    A.W. Tozer in Chicago, IL

  • Signs, Open Doors, & Fleeces - E.4 - God Doesn't Whisper - Jim Osman

    Some Christians look for signs, open doors, and other providential or even supernatural indicators for decision-making. Has God promised to lead us in this way? Is Gideon’s fleece a model for modern decision-making? In this episode we will examine these practices and the passages often used to su...

  • The Dangerous Teachings of Curry Blake - Long for Truth

    Curry Blake is the supposed fulfillment of a prophecy given by John G. Lake in 1931. He is also the General Overseer of John G. Lake Ministries. In this episode, Daniel gives reasons to mark and avoid the teachings of Blake.

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