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  • The Peace and Feeling Led - E.5 - God Doesn't Whisper - Jim Osman

    In this episode, we examine the role that feelings and internal peace play in decision-making. Does Scripture promise specific revelatory leading for Christians? Are we to let an internal peace be our guide? We look at these practices and the passages that are often used to support them.

  • What is a True Pharisee? - Freedom: Episode 2 - Costi Hinn

    If you have been saved by God, you will share truth and expose error. But false teachers will attempt to silence you, labeling you a “Pharisee.” In this episode, Costi uses scripture to reveal the marks of a true Pharisee, and encourages those who are passionate about God’s truth to press onward.

  • What is Christianity? - Paul Washer - AG Uncut

    Paul Washer explains Christianity and the gospel in this uncut 9 minute interview.

  • Introduction - E.1 - The Rule of Faith - Adriel Sanchez

    In lesson one of The Rule of Faith, Pastor Adriel introduces some of the events and individuals leading up to the Nicene Creed. You’ll learn about heresies like Monarchianism, and Subordinationism. After this, he explains why it’s vitally important for us to have creeds, even though the Bible is ...

  • Post-Episode Discussion - Grave Soaking & Dr. Michael Brown

    Brandon Kimber, Chris Rosebrough, Justin Peters, Steve Kozar, Jesse Westwood, and Richard Moore discuss the reasons for producing the Grave Soaking episodes, and how this impacted Dr. Michael Brown's decision to withdraw his participation from American Gospel: Spirit & Fire.

  • Spiritual Warfare: Truth or Territory? - AG Teaching Series Preview

    In this 8 episode teaching series, pastor Jim Osman examines popular spiritual warfare practices in light of scripture. "Spiritual Warfare: Truth or Territory?" is coming soon to AGTV!

  • Roman Catholicism Through The Lens of Scripture - Mike Gendron (Preview)

    Mike Gendron will help us examine Roman Catholicism through the lens of Scripture in a 10-episode teaching series, coming soon to AGTV!

  • NAR: Myth or Movement? - AG Roundtable

    Is the New Apostolic Reformation a real movement that promotes dangerous false teachings that have subjected countless people to spiritual abuse and manipulation? Or is the label "NAR" being used by critics to misrepresent the beliefs of faithful leaders?

    Michael Brown, Holly Pivec, and Doug Gei...

  • The Enneagram - Online Conference (Trailer)

    The Enneagram is a spiritual tool that is revolutionizing Christian theology around the world. But…what spirit is behind the tool? Join the online streaming event, The Enneagram: What’s True, What’s False, Does it Matter? June 13 – 17, 2022. The event is free, details are here!


  • Dreams & Muslim Conversion Accounts - E.6 - God Doesn't Whisper - Jim Osman

    Many people believe that God speaks to us through dreams and visions today. Such claims are very common in the Islamic world. In this episode, we examine whether or not Scripture promises us private revelations through dreams. We also provide a brief assessment of Islamic dream conversion accounts.

  • The Phone Call: How to Deepen Your Discernment - Jim Osman Calls Dr. Brown

    On October 20, 2021, pastor Jim Osman called Dr. Michael Brown during an episode titled, “How to Deepen Your Discernment.” This conversation lead to the upcoming roundtable discussion.

  • EPIC: Episode 4 - France & Switzerland

  • Bart Campolo's Thoughts on "American Gospel: Christ Crucified"

    Bart Campolo was kind enough to explain his experience in being interviewed for AG2: Christ Crucified. Please pray for Bart, and that this could be used to encourage others to dialogue where there is disagreement about the gospel.

  • Trust (Part 1) - The Bergers: Voyage of Life - Episode 6

    Russell and Katherine travel to MedStar Georgetown University Hospital to discuss their options for a serious upcoming surgery.

    Please support the Berger family:

  • Progressive Christianity - AG2: Christ Crucified Walkthrough (Chapter 1)

    Russell & Sean help explain how Progressive Christianity shares a similar foundation as atheism.

  • Authority & Exorcisms - E.7 - Spiritual Warfare: Truth or Territory? - Jim Osman

    Many mistakenly believe that Christ has granted us a near unlimited authority over the spiritual realm. They believe that this authority can be used to perform exorcisms to claim people back from Satan’s power. However, Scripture teaches that exorcisms are a miraculous sign that accompanied Jesus...

  • Slain in the Spirit? - Freedom: Episode 4 - Costi Hinn

    Does the true Holy Spirit cause people to fall backwards at the wave of a hand? Does He electrocute people, causing convulsions, "holy laughter," or the lack of self-control? Costi Hinn examines the scriptures that are commonly used to defend the practice of being "slain in the Spirit," giving us...

  • You Will Be Like God - Chapter 3: Christ Alone

    One of the central distortions of the Word of Faith movement is the deification of man, and demotion of Christ. Man becomes a "little god" and Christ becomes a mere man with the Holy Spirit, who emptied Himself of divinity, or divine nature.

  • Why Have You Forsaken Me? - Chapter 8: Christ Crucified

    How was Jesus forsaken on the cross? What was in the cup?

    And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.”
    — Matthew 26:39

    About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud vo...

  • What Do Progressive Christians Believe? - Episode 1

    Alisa Childers introduces progressive Christianity, the distinctives, and how to recognize PC ideas.

  • Do I Have to Give 10%? - Freedom: Episode 3 - Costi Hinn

    Is tithing for the New Testament Christian? Costi Hinn explains the context of tithing from the Old Testament, how this is abused by false teachers today, and how New Testament Christians are called to give.

  • Applying To BSSM - E.1 - Breaking Bethel - Jesse Westwood

    Ever wondered what it would be like to apply to the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry? Wonder no more. We are breaking down the process, the theological bricks that are laid, and what it took to get in.

    Original video:

  • Pursuing Holiness - E.2 - Sanctify - Mike Abendroth

    What is the Christian’s response to God’s sanctifying work? The surprising answer is faith. Is there more? Yes. Christians pursue godliness. Christians strive, sweat, toil and fight to obey God’s law as fruit and evidence of God’s sanctifying work.

  • Ephesians 6 - E.8 - Spiritual Warfare: Truth or Territory? - Jim Osman

    In this final episode, we look at an often misused and misunderstood passage of Scripture - Ephesians 6. The Armor of God section of Ephesians is often treated in isolation from its context and used as a list for mantra style prayers. We will see how the Armor of God section is a fitting conclusi...