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  • Prosperity in Suffering - Chapter 4: Christ Alone

  • The Gospel - Law & Gospel (Ep. 3) - Mike Abendroth

    In episode 3, Mike Abendroth leads us through 1 Corinthians chapter 15, along with 8 questions to help us understand both the content of the gospel message, and how this good news should be communicated.

  • Prosperity Preacher Repents - AG Testimonial - Phill Howell

    Pastor Phill Howell, from Embassy Church in the Chicagoland area, gives an update about an upcoming AGTV teaching series on the ascension of Christ. (Due to losing his voice, filming has been delayed). In the meantime, Phill shares how the Lord used the American Gospel: Christ Alone film to lead ...

  • EPIC: Episode 5 - Germany & Ecuador

  • The New Apologetics that No One Talks About - E.1 - The New Apologetics

    Emilio Ramos, founder of Red Grace Media, provides an in depth review of the new apologetics that Christians must know. New Christian apologetics are not to replace the top evidences for the Bible, top evidences for the existence of God, top evidences for the resurrections of Jesus Christ, or evi...

  • Decision-making Without Hearing from God - E.7 - God Doesn't Whisper - Jim Osman

    Many Christians are crippled by the decision making process. If God is not whispering directions to His children outside Scripture, then how are we to make decisions, both big and small? Is there a pattern we see inside Scripture by which the Apostles made decisions? In this episode we will see t...

  • The Fool

    What do you do when the world’s most famous atheist mocks you internationally on television and throughout social media? What consolation can you find when you become known worldwide as atheism’s celebrity idiot?

    You look to the Scriptures and take consolation in how Joseph was humiliated before...

  • Flee From Furtick - Justin Peters

    Steven Furtick is extremely popular among professing believers in Amercia and around the world. His theology has become increasingly Word of Faith and heretical over the years. Justin Peters summarizes the key issues and calls the people of God to flee Furtick and Elevation Church.
    Original video...

  • My Direct Personal Plea to Kenneth Copeland - Justin Peters

    Justin Peters gathers together into one video all the major false teachings propagated by Kenneth Copeland over the years. He also calls Copeland to repent and believe in Christ for the forgiveness of his sins.

  • Biblical Justification vs. Catholic Justification - E.3 - Roman Catholicism

    The doctrine of justification declares the only way a sinner can become right with God. It reveals the inflexible righteousness of God as the Judge who cannot allow the guilty to go unpunished. The only way condemned sinners can be justified is through faith in the sin-bearing, substitutionary de...

  • The Curse Motif of the Atonement - R.C. Sproul

    The Scriptures declare that Christ was “made a curse for us.” What exactly does that mean? To answer this question, R.C. Sproul traces the curse motif of the atonement from the Old Testament and through to its ultimate fulfillment in Christ’s work on the cross.

    This message is originally from th...

  • Jesus, Not Darwin - The Genesis (Episode 1) - Emilio Ramos

    Genesis was written for Jesus, not Darwin. The Genesis is an in-depth, Christ-centered study of the Bible's first three chapters. Isaiah 46.10 says that God "declares the end from the beginning." In this video series we will also learn the importance and primacy of biblical eschatology as God dec...

  • Four Features of a Godly Woman (Session 2) - Fused - For the Gospel

    Anthony Wood lays out the role of a biblical wife and encourages women to embrace God’s glorious design for them in marriage.

  • Spirit & Truth (Official Trailer)

    When we think about worship, we too often ask ourselves the wrong questions. What do I like? What would non-christians like? What would the people in my church like? All along, we're missing the central question. How does God want to be worshiped?

    Spirit & Truth dives into Scripture and history ...

  • Strange Fire - John MacArthur

    Some of the most serious sins against God are committed in corrupt worship. Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, were killed by the Lord as they conducted their priestly duties in the Tabernacle. Why? Because they diverted from God's clear instructions and burned incense that He had not authorized...

  • Family Vacation - The Bergers: Voyage of Life - Episode 5

    The Bergers enjoy God's creation for what may be their last family vacation together.

  • The Enneagram - Session 1 - Justin Peters, Dr. Ron Huggins

    Monday - June 13 - 7:00pm (CT) - Justin Peters - Trading Sola Scriptura for Prima Scriptura

    “Trading Sola Scriptura for Prima Scriptura” really forms the basis for how each of us will determine if the Enneagram is a helpful tool for Christians, harmful to Christians or simply neutral on a spirit...

  • Week 2 - Beholding God: Clearing the Way For Our Return

  • "180" Movie

    “180” has been called a half hour of “video adrenaline,” an “emotional rollercoaster,” and “mind-blowing.” This award-winning, evangelistic documentary carries a unique pro-life message in which you will see eight people change their minds about abortion in a matter of seconds…because they were a...

  • I'm a Christian and You're a Catholic. So What's the Difference? - Mike Gendron

    Mike Gendron explains the differences between Roman Catholicism & Christianity.

  • How Different Are Evangelicals and Catholics? - E.4 - Roman Catholicism

    Many people are confused about the faith of Roman Catholics. They don’t know if the Roman Catholic Church represents a huge mission that needs to be evangelized or if Catholics and Evangelicals are brothers in Christ. In this episode, Evangelist Mike Gendron looks through the lens of Scripture to...

  • The Speaking God - Session 1 – The God Who Speaks: Sunday School Kit

    God can be known. When He speaks, we learn specifically who He is and what He’s like. His character, nature, and divine will are seen across the pages of Scripture. But why would God speak to us in the first place?

  • Love Wins - Chapter 3: Christ Crucified

    The idea that a loving God could send people to hell for eternity is a difficult truth to grasp. This chapter examines the questions brought up by popular false teachers like Rob Bell and Richard Rohr, who attempt redefine the person of Jesus Christ and the atonement in order to avoid His exclusi...

  • Trust (Part 2) - The Bergers Voyage of Life - Episode 7

    In week two of their trip to MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Katherine undergoes an emergency exploratory surgery in hopes of finding the culprit of her crashing vitals.