In this third installment of the series on Revivalism, Steve and Paulette talk about the most influential preacher from the Second Great Awakening, Charles Finney. This is the man whose message truly altered the state of Evangelicalism up until this very day. What’s amazing to learn is that Finney was, literally, a heretic whose ideas have become foundational to the contemporary Evangelical Church.
A Biblical Guide to Penal Substitutionary Atonement - It's at the Heart of Christianity:
The Charles Finney Cornucopia of False Doctrine, Pelagianism & Evangelical Manipulation:
Up Next in New to AGTV
Evangelical Deconstruction - E.117 - ...
In Colossians 2:8, the apostle Paul exhorts believers to not be taken captive through philosophies and deceptions that are rooted in the traditions of men. Deconstruction, a philosophy that has its origins in Marxism, is one of those deceptions. And yet, there are those within evangelicalism toda...
Bold Proclaimers of Gospel Truth - Gr...
The Religious Spirit of the New Apost...
According to the NAR, the "Religious Spirit" is an actual demon that hates doctrine and tries to squelch out the "new wine" of the New Apostolic Reformation. In this video, Daniel and Robin look to the Scriptures to see if what the "apostles" of the NAR say about this so-called demon is Biblical....