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The latest additions can be found here.

  • Train Wrecks Welcomed - Theocast

    Fairly regularly, we see posts or correspondence discouraging people from listening to Theocast because this podcast attracts those whose lives are shipwrecked. From our perspective, we are happy to receive such a compliment. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. He came to save sinners. He came ...

  • Phúc Âm Mỹ: Chỉ duy Đấng Christ

    Liệu đạo Cơ Đốc có phải là Chúa Christ + giấc mơ Mỹ không? 'Phúc Âm Mỹ' là một cuộc khảo sát về cách thức mà phúc âm của sự giàu có (phong trào Lời Đức Tin) đã làm méo mó thông điệp Tin Lành, và làm thế nào thần học này đang được xuất khẩu ra nước ngoài. Bộ phim dài này là phần đầu tiên trong một...

  • The Woke Revolution - E.33 - The Humble Skeptic Podcast

    Fifty years ago, Os Guinness released his book, The Dust of Death, which offered a piercing analysis of the sixties counterculture movement with its revolutionary ideas about human nature and sexual liberation. In his preface to a new edition of this work, Guinness argues that during this tumultu...

  • Theology of Church and State - Political Theology - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    The separation of church and state is a Christian doctrine, yet today, many enemies of Christianity insist this means the separation of religion and politics. In this second episode in our series on political theology, we look at what the Bible has to say about these two institutions and their au...

  • Christian Suffering | Russell Berger - E.8 - Room For Nuance Podcast

    Join Room For Nuance in a conversation with Russell Berger, a contributor to the American Gospel documentary, a former executive at Crossfit, and an Assistant Pastor at 6th Avenue Community Church. Learn about God's faithfulness as Russell shares difficulties with his wife's health, being cancele...

  • The Perversion of Love - Grace To You

  • The Apostles and New Testament Authority - Don Green

    The Apostles hold a very special place in the Christian Faith as the directly appointed representatives of Jesus Christ who witnessed His ministry. Their role in the establishing of the Church is crucial to understand with so many claiming to be apostles today and others pointing to their suppose...

  • The Finality of the Apostles - Don Green

    The ministry of Christ's Apostles is unrepeatable. No modern day "apostle" can meet the qualifications those men met. Their authority was directly from Christ and the Holy Spirit led them in a unique way for the writing of Scripture and the formation of the doctrines of the Faith.

  • Testing Kathryn Krick's Prophetic Message for the Church - Chris Rosebrough

    Kathryn Krick is an up and coming "apostle" in the NAR movement and she wants the entire body of Christ to know it. She recently delivered a "word of the LORD" claiming that we'd all better acknowledge her and her friends as the representatives of God. If older pastors don't pass the baton to you...

  • The Meat of the Word IS NOT Obedience! - Theocast

    If you think the “meat of the word” is about our obedience and what we do, this episode is for you. Jon and Justin explain how holiness and obedience is a fruit of our growth in Christ--but how to eat the meat of the word is to grow in our understanding of the gospel of Christ, our union with Chr...

  • How to Keep Your Faith After High School - Core Christianity

    3 items

    Core Christianity Is excited to share with you a brand new three-part video and podcast series! Recently, Pastor Adriel sat down with Kendra Dahl and Gretchen Ronnevik to talk about how people—especially teens and young adults—can stay anchored in their faith after they leave home. They also refl...

  • The Bread of Life (Part 3) - Alistair Begg

    John 6:41-51

    Original video:

  • Identity in a Post-Christian Culture - E.32 - The Humble Skeptic Podcast

    As discussed on recent episodes, when it comes to religion and worldview preferences, most people tend to follow their own internal feelings, intuitions, and experiences. But what are the larger social implications of this increasing emphasis on the subjective? According to Carl Trueman, in today...

  • Our Story (Part 2) - E.14 - Steve & Paulette's Place

    In this follow-up to the previous episode, Steve and Paulette discuss the ideas that shaped their adult Christian lives through the influence of the Christian books that they read over the past 40 years. Both good influences and bad can be used by God to teach us what He wants us to know.

  • Biblical Theology of the State - Political Theology - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this first episode of our series on political theology, we look at the biblical history of covenants and show how bad thinking in this area leads to the two major errors of contemporary evangelical political thought.

  • The Clarity of the Gospel (w/ Kelsi Klembara of 1517) - Theocast

    In this episode, Jon and Justin sit down with Kelsi Klembara of 1517 (host of “Outside Ourselves”). The guys talk personally about their own experiences in the church and how they came to grow in their understanding of Christ and the gospel. After that, the conversation centers on the clarity of ...

  • The Bread of Life (Part 2) - Alistair Begg

    In seasons of doubt or discouragement, how do we know our faith is secure? In John 6, Jesus spoke of the vast wonder of saving faith, declaring Himself to be “the bread of life.” Whoever comes to Him and believes in Him, He said, will not hunger or thirst, nor will they ever be cast out. Examinin...

  • Death, Ghosts & Views of the Afterlife - E.31 - The Humble Skeptic Podcast

    On this edition of The Humble Skeptic podcast, we’ll contrast popular beliefs about ghosts and the afterlife with the views presented in the Old and New Testaments. Joining Shane to discuss this important topic is Dr. Michael McClymond, who is the professor of Modern Theology at St. Louis Univers...

  • The Five Solas of the Reformation - White Horse Inn

    5 items

    The 16th century Protestant Reformation was built upon a series of foundational beliefs—what we refer to now as the five solas. The Reformers saw these solas as the heart of the biblical gospel and the basis through which the “one holy, catholic, and apostolic church” could return to the message ...

  • Hope in the Midst of Hell - Theocast

    Life under the sun is often brutally hard. We live in a world where we bury our children. Only an insane person would look around and say that everything is as it should be. So, what hope do we have? The hope is not for anything in this life or in this world. The hope is in the life--and the worl...

  • Alexander Pagani Fraudulent Generational Curses Teaching - Chris Rosebrough

    Alexander Pagani is a self proclaimed apostle who teaches that Christians are suffering from generational curses. Not surprisingly, he’s written a book containing the secret to breaking these curses in your life. Pastor Chris demolishes this false doctrine by untwisting the Scriptures and preachi...

  • The Bread of Life - Alistair Begg

    After Jesus miraculously fed thousands, the crowds revealed their hearts by the questions they asked. They focused on their physical needs rather than Christ’s spiritual provision, sought to earn salvation rather than receive it, and hoped for more miracles in order to be convinced of Jesus’ deit...

  • American Gospel: Spirit & Fire

    2 seasons

    A massive theological movement has been sweeping through the Church in recent decades. Millions of professing Christians around the world believe that God is restoring the lost offices of apostle and prophet to church government. They claim these restored apostles and prophets are needed to usher...

  • Reforming Criminal Justice | Matthew Martens - E.7 - Room For Nuance Podcast

    Join Room For Nuance in a conversation with Matthew T. Martens, a trial lawyer, a seminary graduate, and the author of a forthcoming book entitled Reforming Criminal Justice: A Christian Proposal. Gain a better understanding of how our current system operates and consider how the love of neighbor...