Progressive Christianity

Progressive Christianity

With the belief that the Bible is man's evolving understanding of who God is, progressive Christianity arrives at another gospel.

Progressive Christianity
  • Bill Vanderbush (Universalism, Reconciliationism) - E.5 - Back to Bethel

    Jesse interviews pastor Bill Vanderbush. Bill currently serves as a Lead Trainer for the Bethel Austin School of Ministry in Austin, Texas.

    Keep in mind that Jesse and Bill disagree on issues related to the gospel (hell, the attributes of God, etc.). The goal of this interview is to help viewer...

  • The Dangers of Lectio Divina - Firm Foundation

    In This Episode of Firm Foundation, Richard covers the dangers of a Catholic Mystic practice called Lectio Divina. Richard discusses organizations and authors that promote Lectio Divina. Contemplative, spirituality, Perrennialism, and other authors like Richard Rohr also promote and practice Lect...

  • The Deconstruction Of Andy Stanley - The Making of a Minister

    Andy Stanley is one of the most well-known pastors in American Christianity. Known for founding North Point Community Church, the Catalyst Conference, and producing a number of resources for believers and church leaders.

    In this video essay, I aim to lay out an understandable timeline for where ...

  • Rob Bell: Lessons Learned from His Apostasy - Chris Rosebrough

    Once the darling of the Emergent Church movement, Rob Bell has entirely disappeared from the spotlight. Where did he go? What led to his apostasy and what lessons can we learn from observing his trajectory? Many young people are caught up in the trend of deconstructing their faith, a trend that R...

  • Emergent Church and Postmodern Spirituality Debate - Doug Pagitt & Bob DeWaay

    3 items

    The Emergent Church and Postmodern Spirituality Debate - Dangerous Trends or Necessary Changes for Evangelicalism?

    Doug Pagitt and Bob DeWaay
    January 20, 2006

  • The Ten Commandments of Progressive Christianity - Long for Truth

    Modern Progressive Christianity is a reiteration of early 20th century liberalism. Progressive "Christians" value questions over answers and treat doubt as virtuous. Open mindedness is their chief value and they believe the truth claims of Scripture cannot be taken literally. Daniel and Robin mak...

  • For the Cause of Truth - Don Green

    Many people today think that truth is unknowable or irrelevant. It's thought that individual perception of truth is all that matters. Pastor Don Green begins a series on the importance of contending for absolute truth. The truth is knowable and God has spoken clearly concerning it. We go to His w...

  • American Gospel: Christ Crucified

    Movie + 8 extras

    When Christians say, “Jesus died on the cross for your sins,” what does that mean?

    American Gospel: Christ Crucified explores the divide between conservative and progressive Christians as they debate the meaning of the cross of Jesus Christ, answering some of the Bible’s most difficult questions...

  • The Spiritual Evolution of Man? - Marcia Montenegro - AG Uncut

    Does Scripture teach that mankind is spiritually evolving? Marcia Montenegro compares the teachings of Teilhard De Chardin, Ken Wilber, Richard Rohr, and Rob Bell on the spiritual evolution of man.

  • Penal Substitutionary Atonement - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    Building on our discussion of the divinity of Jesus Christ, we turn to what the bible says Christ did on the cross. What is penal substitutionary atonement? The bible teaches that Christ died as a substitute for sinners, and suffered the wrath of God they justly deserved. We point out the biblica...

  • Truth and Jesus Christ - Don Green

    What does Christ say about the truth? He boldly claimed to be the truth itself. Jesus made exclusive, undeniable claims that only God can make, and we confess that He is indeed God. Don Green continues his series on the subject of truth with a focus on the Person of Christ and His teachings.

  • In Defense of Truth - Don Green

    These days, everyone wants to live in their own truth and decades of relativism has left a mark on the Church. Don Green begins a series on the nature of truth from a Biblical worldview.
    Original Video:

  • Evangelical Deconstruction - E.117 - The Just Thinking Podcast

    In Colossians 2:8, the apostle Paul exhorts believers to not be taken captive through philosophies and deceptions that are rooted in the traditions of men. Deconstruction, a philosophy that has its origins in Marxism, is one of those deceptions. And yet, there are those within evangelicalism toda...

  • Bart Campolo's Thoughts on "American Gospel: Christ Crucified"

    Bart Campolo was kind enough to explain his experience in being interviewed for AG2: Christ Crucified. Please pray for Bart, and that this could be used to encourage others to dialogue where there is disagreement about the gospel.

  • Debunking Progressive Attacks Against Penal Substitution - Chris Rosebrough

    Progressive Christianity is no friend of Penal Substitutionary Atonement. They flip the truth that God is love to be "Love is God". In doing this, they cancel anything in Scripture that speaks of God's wrath against sin. Progressive Christians need to be asked, "Is the Bible God's Word or not?" B...

  • How Progressives Obliterate Scripture - Chris Rosebrough

    Pastor Chris Rosebrough walks through a common Bible twisting technique used by Progressive Christianity advocates. These teachers take one verse out of context and use it to nullify everything else in the Bible that they dislike. They pit Jesus against Moses, and the New Testament against the Ol...

  • What is Progressive Christianity? - The White Horse Inn - #1540

    Should we think of Jesus more as a model for living than as an object of worship? Did he die on the cross for our sins, or was he just some kind of martyr? Is life in this world more important than the afterlife? According to Michael J. Kruger, the liberal, progressive, or emergent answers to the...

  • Christianity & Liberalism - The White Horse Inn - #1384

    On this program, the hosts continue their discussion begun last week on the influence of the Radical Reformation. How did the theology of the Anabaptist and Pietist movements end up influencing so many forms of Protestantism, both here in America and around the world? And more specifically, how d...

  • Is Faith a Blind Leap? - The White Horse Inn - #1370

    Why do you believe the Bible? What does it mean to “believe” in the first place? Should we think of faith as a kind of blind leap or shot in the dark? If so, why have you made this particular leap, in contrast to all the other faith options? On this program, the hosts will seek to answer these qu...

  • Is Faith Opposed to Evidence? - The White Horse Inn - #1371

    Sometimes when discussing evidence for the Christian faith, a person may respond by asking, “What room does this leave for faith?” This question actually reveals a misunderstanding of the Christian view of faith which is grounded in factual claims about the person and work of Christ as reported a...

  • American Gospel: Christ Crucified - The White Horse Inn - #1513

    On this program, Shane Rosenthal talks with writer and director Brandon Kimber about his American Gospel documentary series. His first film, American Gospel: Christ Alone, explored the problem of moralistic preaching and issues related to the prosperity gospel. His new documentary, American Gospe...

  • Do All Paths Lead to the Same God? - The White Horse Inn - #1374

    Religious pluralism seems to be the only perspective that is tolerated in today’s culture, while those who are “trapped” within the confines of a single religious outlook are dismissed as narrow and sectarian. But if you think about it, those who promote this alternative dogma that “all paths lea...

  • Addressing Popular Misconceptions of Faith - The White Horse Inn - #1373

    On this program, the hosts interact with a number of man-on-the-street interviews concerning the nature and meaning of faith. As they have discussed throughout this series, faith is often seen as a kind of leap in the dark. According to the surveys we’ll air on this program, this belief seems to ...

  • Has The Bible Been Miscopied or Mistranslated? - The White Horse Inn - #1377

    Many people today make the claim that the Bible has been revised, edited, and miscopied over the centuries, and that the translations we have with us today are not at all faithful to the original manuscripts. But is this really the case? On this program, Michael Horton discusses this important is...