In this third installment of the series on Revivalism, Steve and Paulette talk about the most influential preacher from the Second Great Awakening, Charles Finney. This is the man whose message truly altered the state of Evangelicalism up until this very day. What’s amazing to learn is that Finney was, literally, a heretic whose ideas have become foundational to the contemporary Evangelical Church.
A Biblical Guide to Penal Substitutionary Atonement - It's at the Heart of Christianity:
The Charles Finney Cornucopia of False Doctrine, Pelagianism & Evangelical Manipulation:
Up Next in Revival & Revivalism
Revivalism (Part 1) - E.4 - Steve & P...
In this episode, the big topic of “revivalism” is addressed. The modern Evangelical movement began in the 1730’s with a series of revivals that came to be known as “The Great Awakening.” The immense influence of George Whitefield is still being debated today, and this video tries to explain why a...
Revivalism (Part 2) - E.5 - Steve & P...
This is the second episode on the big topic of “revivalism.” The modern Evangelical movement began in the 1730’s with a series of revivals that came to be known as “The Great Awakening.” The immense influence of that movement is still being debated today, and this video continues to delve into th...
Charles Finney & Evangelicalism - The...
What happened to Evangelicalism? Why are doctrines such as justification by faith alone absent from the pulpit? Why is American Christianity so obsessed with their experiences? On this episode of the White Horse Inn our usual hosts will look at one of the main influences in American Christianity,...