Right Now Counts Forever - 2021 Ligonier National Conference
The Body of Christ – Burk Parsons – Ligonier
Episode 4
Ephesians 3:1–13 teaches that God’s eternal plan for humanity is to unite Jews and gentiles as one body of Christ, to bring together people from every tribe and tongue as fellow heirs of God’s glory in the church. What we do in the church today counts forever because it is a foreshadowing of the eternal worship and fellowship we will enjoy when the Lord consummates His plan for the ages. In this session, Dr. Burk Parsons explains that being committed to the church right now matters for eternity, reminding us to love fellow believers and to serve them in the context of the church as an anticipation and preparation for the age to come.
This message is from Right Now Counts Forever, Ligonier’s 2021 National Conference. See upcoming Ligonier events at https://www.ligonier.org/events/
Up Next in Plenary Sessions
A Conversation on Life and Ministry –...
A conversation between Ligonier’s President, Chris Larson, and Dr. Sinclair Ferguson.
This message is from Right Now Counts Forever, Ligonier’s 2021 National Conference. See upcoming Ligonier events at https://www.ligonier.org/events/
Glorifying God in Our Bodies – W. Rob...
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The Providence of God – Derek Thomas ...
Right now counts forever because God is in control of all things. He has created a moral universe in which our actions have consequences both now and forever. God can do all things, and none of His purposes can be thwarted (Job 42:2). In this session, Dr. Derek Thomas reminds us that this knowled...