Elders in the New Testament Church - S.3 - Dr. Ian Hamilton, XL Conference 2024
Shepherding the Flock of God - 2024 Annual XL Conference
In this session, Dr. Ian Hamilton discusses the role of church elders as under-
shepherds of Christ, focusing on their biblical responsibilities to model Christ-like humility, love,
and servant leadership. He draws on insights from theologians like John Owen and John
Calvin, emphasizing the importance of elders knowing their flock, guarding against spiritual
dangers, teaching sound doctrine, and shepherding with humility and love for Christ.
Up Next in Shepherding the Flock of God - 2024 Annual XL Conference
The Priestly Offering of the Gospel Mi...
Chad Vegas is the Senior Pastor at Sovereign Grace Church in Bakersfield,
California. In this session, Chad emphasizes the calling and responsibilities of Christian
ministers and elders. He discusses servanthood, gospel proclamation, and personal sacrifice,
drawing from passages in Isaiah, Romans... -
The Tools for Training - Session 5 - ...
Rocky Wyatt is the President of XL Ministries. In this final session, Rocky
emphasizes the importance of training and equipping elders and leaders in the church to fulfill
their biblical roles effectively. He discusses the Great Commission, the significance of
disciplining faithful men, and the ne...