What is “racial reconciliation”? Is it biblical? Many evangelicals seem to think it is. So much so that “racial reconciliation” has become big business with some Christian ministries and organizations. But what does Scripture have to say about the subject? Listen as Darrell and Omaha look to the Word of God for clarity and answers to those and other questions in this episode of the Just Thinking podcast.
Up Next in Social Justice
The Church of BLM - E.103 - The Just ...
In this “freestyle” episode, Darrell and Virgil (“Omaha”) discuss some of the fundamental doctrines that guide the organization Black Lives Matter and how those beliefs are more resemblant of a “church” with its own religion than a political entity seeking social justice.
History of Critical Race Theory - Def...
In order to rightly understand an idea, one must know the history of its conception and subsequent development. In this week’s episode of Defend and Confirm, Russell takes the reins and walks us through the history of Critical Race Theory. Buckle up, it’s going to be a wild ride!
One Race, One Body, One Blood: Darrel...
One Race, One Body, One Blood. Special guests Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker from the Just Thinking Podcast join Cooper Stuff for this absolutely FIRE episode. We talk about “race”; reconciliation; what’s the way forward? Darrell and Virgil turn some pages of the Bible to explain the great ne...
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