Is Social Justice Biblical Justice? (Pt. 2) - Trending vs. Truth (Pt. 8)
Social Justice
Is “Social Justice” Biblical Justice? Part 2 – In this sermon Tom Pennington explains how “social justice” is not compatible with biblical justice and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Up Next in Social Justice
Talking About Social Justice - Defend...
In this episode, we wade carefully into the waters of "social justice." We begin by outlining some of the difficulties that arise when talking about this issue, including the importance of defining our terms carefully.
The Language of Social Justice - Defe...
In this episode, we continue to build the foundation for discussing social justice. We talk about the way the English language changes over time, how people intuit the meanings of important terms like “justice", and discuss the importance of looking for the Aristotelian mean during these types of...
Defining “Justice” Biblically - Defen...
In this episode, we discuss the way the Bible speaks of “justice.” We look at the two Hebrew words translated as “justice” in our English bibles, and use them to build a framework for understanding the use of the word in modern discussion about “social justice”.