How Did We Get Our Bible? - Core Christianity
Who was the first person to list the 27 books of the New Testament in the biblical canon? And how did the early Christians know which books were inspired and which weren't? Pastor Adriel Sanchez answers these questions and more about how we got our bibles.
0:00 Was there a biblical canon before...
What Does America Need? - Theocast
People often criticize us here at Theocast, saying that we are not concerned about society, the culture in which we live, or even the country of which we are citizens. So today, Jon and Justin are going to address that. We're going to discuss the gospel and what the Lord is doing in building His ...
Shepherd the Flock of God - 2024 Annual XL Conference
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Who bears the responsibility before God to ensure the next generation of leaders is equipped? The apostle Paul’s instructions to Timothy and Titus (and us) are clear: God has assigned the leaders of every local church the responsibility to identify and equip the next generation of the church’s ...
The Essential Church - Shannon Halliday - Exposit the Word
The Essential Church is a feature-length documentary that explores the struggle between Church and government throughout history. This story takes us to multiple countries and uncovers those who have sacrificed their lives for what they believe in.
This film features prominent figures such as J...
The Essential Church - James Coates - Exposit the Word
Book description:
In the spring of 2020, government mandates forced churches across North America to close their doors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As societal fear and unrest increased, Christians were forced to grapple with how God wanted them to respond to these state-imposed restric... -
The Greatest Community on Earth - S3:E11 - Road Trip to Truth
It is no coincidence that suicide, depression and loneliness rates are at an all time high; while church membership rates are at an all time low. A compelling case for membership in the local church.
The Church - S2:E1 - Wield The Sword - Tom Ascol
The responsibility of the Church is to honor Christ as its head and to go out and make disciples. It is not a democracy, it is a Christocracy. Everything a Church is to be and everything a Church is to do, needs to be grounded in the Scriptures. In this episode of Wield The Sword, Dr. Tom Ascol a...
Church and Culture - E.116 - The Just Thinking Podcast
We hear that phrase that Christians are ‘in the world, but not of the world’—but do we really understand what is meant by that? Do we have any idea from where that concept is derived in Scripture? In this episode of the Just Thinking Podcast, Darrell Harrison and Virgil “Omaha” Walker look closel...
How Do I Find a Good Church? - E.8 - The Rule of Faith - Adriel Sanchez
How do you find a good church? In the final episode of ‘The Rule of Faith’ Pastor Adriel concludes the series by talking about the distinctive marks of the church. In a day and age where people are choosing churches on the basis of their music programs, or motivational messages, Pastor Adriel hig...
The Catholic and Apostolic Church - E.7 - The Rule of Faith - Adriel Sanchez
In episode 7 of ‘The Rule of Faith’ Pastor Adriel continues his discussion on the attributes of the church. In this segment he covers catholicity and apostolicity. What does it mean that the church is catholic? Pastor Adriel explains that this word highlights the church’s universality with regard...
The One Holy Church - E.6 - The Rule of Faith - Adriel Sanchez
In Episode 6 of ‘The Rule of Faith’ Pastor Adriel begins to discuss the attributes of the church. With all of the divisions and scandals in the church today, how can we confess that the church is both “One” and “Holy”? Watch as Pastor Adriel explains the biblical basis for the church’s unity and ...
Church Membership Preserves the Gospel - Defend and Confirm pdcast
Does your church practice meaningful church membership and church discipline? It should. In this episode, we explain why.
Also, a glitch with our digital recorder left us with camera-only audio for this episode, so enjoy listening to what sounds like two people talking inside of a tin can.
What is a Church? - Defend and Confirm Podcast
In this inaugural episode, we discuss the scriptural definition of a church, how this definition gives shape to the gospel, some of the ways that the local church can undermine the gospel by deviating from this definition. Being a first episode, we also made sure to have a major technical glitch....
The Church: Pillar and Ground of the Truth
This feature-length documentary designed to help you learn about the true nature of the church and how it is intended to function. The more we understand this, the more we will love the church. The more we learn how the church aids our faith and brings glory to God, the more we will thank God for...
Church Planting Movements - Defend and Confirm Podcast
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This series analyzes and critiques Multiplying Movements. Commonly known as Church Planting Movements or Disciple Making Movements, these missiological paradigms have become the standard in evangelical missions. But are they wise?
The Habit of Fellowship - S01.E08 - Redeeming Productivity
If you want to lead a productive Christian life, it’s impossible to do it alone. You need fellowship. In this episode, Reagan talks about how fellowship with other believers is nothing something we should leave to chance, but rather a habit to be cultivated.
Defining “Church” - Defend and Confirm Podcast
Continuing our discussion of social justice, we begin to hammer out some fundamental terms. In this episode, we define the word "church." If you want to think rightly about social justice, you have to understand the mission of the church. If you want to understand the mission of the church, you h...
Celebrityism and the Multisite Church - Defend and Confirm Podcast
If you’ve listened to our episodes on the biblical definition of a “church”, you’ve probably figured out that we don’t believe the multisite church model is healthy, or biblical. In this episode, we unpack our concern that multisite churches are particularly at risk for developing a culture of ce...
Good and Bad Ways to Think About the Mission of the Church - Defend and Confirm
Much of the current buzz about social justice centers on what the church should be doing in the world. But what is the mission of the church? As we discuss in this episode, the mission of the church is far more specific than many evangelicals believe it to be. When we we add to that mission, even...
Elders and Deacons (Part I) - The Whole Counsel
This week Chuck is joined by Teddy James to discuss the importance of an elder's character. Chuck has been preaching through the qualifications of elders and deacons for several weeks at Christ Church New Albany.
Listen to Chuck's series here:
https://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?sortby=added... -
Elders and Deacons (Part 2) - The Whole Counsel
Chuck and Teddy conclude their discussion on the qualifications of elders and deacons in this week's episode. While there are specifics edicts, the principle behind each of them is that an elder and deacons must be a man "above reproach."
Show Notes: www.mediagratiae.org/blog/elders-and-deacons-...
Do I Have to Go to Church to Be a Christian? - The White Horse Inn - #1376
Many Christians in our time seem to think that church attendance is optional, particularly in an age like ours with so many online options. But is this a healthy outlook? Is it even biblical? On this program, the hosts discuss this question and offer numerous reasons why it is not only important ...