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Deliverance Hits the Big Screen - The Lovesick Scribe Podcast

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Apostles 101 - Chris Rosebrough

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) • 41m

Up Next in The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)

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    In March 2023, a movie centering on deliverance ministry is set to release in 2,000 theaters across the United States. Featured in this film are some of the popular deliverance ministers in the hyper charismatic church.

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  • Living Before the Face of God - The L...

    In the hyper charismatic movement, there are countless claims of people seeing Jesus face to face. Whether it be here on earth in a private environment, or before the very throne of God, these experiences are both shared and sought. Is this to be normative in the life of a Christian, or is there ...

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