Bethel Church in Redding, California, is one of the most popular and polarizing churches in America. Home to the award-winning Bethel Music label, its songs are among the most used in churches. Thousands of people visit the church each year, drawn by reports of miraculous healings, the manifestation of a glittering Glory Cloud, and other miracles. They’re convinced that the church is at the forefront of an end-time movement that is restoring miraculous power to the church-at-large and “bringing heaven to earth.” Yet others are concerned that Bethel has left the boundaries of Scripture and brought its followers into a dangerously speculative and experience-driven faith. They say that, in the name of training miracle workers, Bethel has introduced hazardous, perhaps even occultic, practices into the church. This has resulted in chaos, confusion, and damaged lives. In this book we examine the controversial teachings of the “Bethel Church Movement,” as it is called, which has transformed modern Christian practice, culture, and worship. We show its place in the broader New Apostolic Reformation, a worldwide movement of “apostles” and “prophets” intent on reconstructing the mission and the message of the Christian church.
Up Next in The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)
Former Kathryn Krick Church Member Sp...
Pastor Chris continues to warn about the cult leader behavior of "Apostle" Kathryn Krick. This time, he shares the recent testimony of a young man who attended her gatherings for several years. He then takes the opportunity to look at Scripture's teaching on the topic of false teachers.
The Charismatic Hamster-Wheel of Chas...
Charismatic pastors, teachers, and leaders are constantly telling their people to seek after signs, visions, dreams, tongues, and prophecy. Some even go so far to say that if you're not doing this, you may not even be a Christian.
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Stop Believing Their Lies About the G...
Daniel Long addresses a specific error about the Gospel being spread by highly influential Charismatics. They claim that you preach an incomplete Gospel if you aren't also performing signs and wonders. Not only is this an attack on the nature of the Gospel but these leaders simply cannot practice...
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