The Charismatic Hamster-Wheel of Chasing After Signs - Long for Truth
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)
Charismatic pastors, teachers, and leaders are constantly telling their people to seek after signs, visions, dreams, tongues, and prophecy. Some even go so far to say that if you're not doing this, you may not even be a Christian.
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Up Next in The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)
Stop Believing Their Lies About the G...
Daniel Long addresses a specific error about the Gospel being spread by highly influential Charismatics. They claim that you preach an incomplete Gospel if you aren't also performing signs and wonders. Not only is this an attack on the nature of the Gospel but these leaders simply cannot practice...
The Generational Curse Fallacy - Long...
Are you having trouble getting married? Do you struggle with chronic illness? Are your finances constantly dwindling? Perhaps it's because you have a generational curse. Join us as we debunk, from the Scriptures, the fallacy of generational curses.
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Kathryn Krick Receiving Worship - Chr...
The true Apostles never allowed other Christians under their care to worship them, but false apostle Kathryn Krick loves to receive praise from her followers. Pastor Chris contrasts this concerning behavior with examples given to us in the New Testament.
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