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To Bind and To Loose - Critical Issues Commentary

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Remembering His Death Until He Comes - Critical Issues Commentary

The Priesthood of Every Believer - Critical Issues Commentary • 27m

Up Next in The Priesthood of Every Believer - Critical Issues Commentary

  • To Bind and To Loose - Critical Issue...

    To Bind and To Loose

    The fourth function, binding and loosing, is far more important than many realize. As our first two issues of CIC showed, this is not about binding demons or spirits, but about declaring what is forbidden or permitted under Christ. What is binding for all of us under the New...

  • To Bind and to Loose - Critical Issue...

  • To Offer Sacrifice - Critical Issues ...

    To Offer Sacrifice

    The fifth function of the priesthood the Rome claimed for their own is to sacrifice. We show that every believer offers the “sacrifice of praise.” Contrary to the Roman Catholic doctrine of the mass, Christ’s once-for-all sacrifice made us holy and made our worship acceptable ...