Debunking Robert Morris' "Blessed Life" (Part 2) - Chris Rosebrough
The Prosperity Gospel / Word of Faith Movement
Chris Rosebrough reviews the extremely popular teachings of Robert Morris on tithing. At the root of the issue is confusion over the Biblical covenants and a wrong definition of the tithe. The Lord has given instructions to Christians regarding money, but we are no longer under the command to tithe.
Up Next in The Prosperity Gospel / Word of Faith Movement
Conversation with Costi Hinn on “Defi...
Costi Hinn, nephew of Benny Hinn, grew up in the lavish world of prosperity preachers and worked alongside his uncle on several global crusade tours before God brought him to the knowledge of the truth. Chris Rosebrough interviews Costi about his journey out of the Word of Faith movement and abou...
American Gospel: Christ Alone
Is Christianity Christ + the American dream? American Gospel examines how the prosperity gospel (the Word of Faith movement) has distorted the gospel message, and how this theology is being exported abroad. This feature-length film is the first in a series.
Greed, Heresy, & the Prosperity Gospe...
In his second letter, Peter warns believers that “there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies. Because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed, and in their greed they will exploit you.” According Costi Hinn, author of God, Greed and the (Prosperit...
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