The Word Unleashed - Tom Pennington

The Word Unleashed - Tom Pennington

The Word Unleashed features the teaching of Tom Pennington, Pastor-Teacher of Countryside Bible Church in Southlake, Texas.

The Word Unleashed - Tom Pennington
  • The Biblical View of Abortion - Tom Pennington Book Trailer

    Tom Pennington has written The Biblical View of Abortion to expose the corrupt spiritual and cultural foundations of abortion and to build a compelling biblical case against abortion by discovering, explaining, and defending the primary biblical arguments. If you already have a biblical understan...

  • A High View of God and Scripture - Word Unleashed

    4 items

    Every church has its distinctives. They may be carefully thought out and articulated or simply assumed, but there will always be non-negotiable principles that guide the choices and decisions made throughout that church’s ministry. At Countryside Bible Church there are two non-negotiable distinct...

  • The Millennium: Christ's Future Reign on Earth - The Word Unleashed

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    After the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, Revelation 20:1–10 says that He will renew the earth and establish a 1,000-year kingdom, where He will reign and rule with His people.

  • The Nature of Saving Faith - The Word Unleashed

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    The one who believes God's testimony about the biblical Jesus and the biblical gospel has been born of God and has eternal life. This is the nature of the faith that saves and gives eternal life.

  • Recognizing False Teachers - The Word Unleashed

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    The apostle John requires that believers apply certain biblical tests in order to distinguish between true and false teachers. In 1 John 4:1–6, he provides two crucial details about false teachers that will help God’s people identify and expose them: 1) The Continual Danger of False Teachers 2) T...

  • Recovering a Lost Legacy - The Word Unleashed

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    Tragically, over the last 150 years, the Christian church at large has lost its rich legacy of knowledge and practice. Some church leaders have been careless and neglectful, while others have intentionally abandoned Scripture pragmatic ideas and cultural philosophies. Much of the church’s Christi...

  • It Matters What You Believe - The Word Unleashed

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    A true Christian knows, believes, and perseveres in biblical, orthodox teaching about Jesus Christ and His gospel.

  • Ask Pastor Tom - The Word Unleashed

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    Question and answers with Pastor Tom Pennington.

  • The Future Looks Good (Repreached) - Countryside Bible Church Conference

    Session 7 of the Countryside Bible Church Conference, featuring Philip De Courcy. The title of this session is "The Future Looks Good" and comes from 1 Peter 1:3-9. (Repreached)

  • The Future Looks Good - Philip De Courcy - Countryside Bible Church Conference

    Session 7 of the Countryside Bible Church Conference, featuring Philip De Courcy. The title of this session is "The Future Looks Good" and comes from 1 Peter 1:3-9.

  • The Believer's New Relationship to Sin - The Word Unleashed

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    In this series Tom Pennington explains how Christians can know that they have eternal life based on their new relationship to sin.

  • The Seven Churches of Revelation - The Word Unleashed

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    In this series Tom Pennington examines each one of the seven churches found in Revelation chapters 2–3.

  • Trending vs. Truth - The Word Unleashed

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    In this series Tom Pennington defines a number of issues that are currently trending in our culture. Then, he provides a biblical response to each one of them. In particular, Tom addresses topics like the rejection of God, the suppression of truth, sexual immorality, gender confusion, social jus...

  • A Survey of the New Testament - The Word Unleashed

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    In this sermon series, Tom Pennington overviews the New Testament: the life of Jesus, the book of Acts, and epistles.

  • Studies in Daniel - The Word Unleashed

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    In this sermon series Tom Pennington explores how God's sovereignty over history is displayed in the book of Daniel.

  • Whose Slave are You? - The Word Unleashed

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    In this sermon series (Romans 6:15-16) Tom Pennington examines the Christian's relationship to sin and righteousness.

  • Temptations of the Digital Age - The Word Unleashed

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    The digital age in which we live bombards Christians with unique temptations on a daily basis. Not only do these temptations come in mass quantities, they are also easily accessible and readily available. Even more concerning, is the fact that many of these temptations and sins have become accept...

  • The Glory of God in the Gospel - The Word Unleashed

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    In this sermon series Tom Pennington explains how the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ promotes and displays the glory of God.

  • Christology: The Atonement - The Word Unleashed

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    Tom Pennington explains why the atonement of Christ was necessary to make sinners right with a holy God.

  • God's Sermon on His Name - The Word Unleashed

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    Tom Pennington explains Moses' three audacious requests to God. These requests are audacious because they are offered from a sinful people to a holy God.