Keeping Our Kids (Part 2) - The White Horse Inn - #1207
The White Horse Inn - Radio Program
On this program, Michael Horton continues his conversation with Greg Koukl and Brett Kunkle about the importance of preparing our youth for a life of faith in a secular age. Not only should they be taught what they believe and why, but before they leave home, they should also be given some basic training in how to communicate their faith, and how to answer those with opposing points of view.
Up Next in The White Horse Inn - Radio Program
Youth Ministry in Crisis - The White ...
According to the most conservative estimates, over 60 percent of those raised in evangelical homes end up leaving church at age 18. In some cases the estimates range as high as 90 percent. So what are we doing wrong? Why are we failing to pass the faith on the next generation, and what should chu...
Charles Finney & Evangelicalism - The...
What happened to Evangelicalism? Why are doctrines such as justification by faith alone absent from the pulpit? Why is American Christianity so obsessed with their experiences? On this episode of the White Horse Inn our usual hosts will look at one of the main influences in American Christianity,...