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New Age Items in Stores Near You - E.17 - New Age to New Heart

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New Age to New Heart - Doreen Virtue, Jenn Nizza, & Jac Marino Chen

New Age Beliefs Hiding in the Church - E.16 - New Age to New Heart


Up Next in Season 1

  • New Age Items in Stores Near You - E....

    Wow! New age items are being sold in local stores, including Hobby Lobby, Walmart, and Five Below.

    In this episode, Jenn Nizza, Jac Marino Chen, and Doreen Virtue show you undercover video footage of the dangerous and demonic new age toys, jewelry, books, and decorations they found for sale in t...

  • New Age vs. Christian Meditation - E....

    Are you allured by the purported benefits of new age meditation and mindfulness?

    Emptying your mind in new age meditation can leave you vulnerable to demonic forces giving you false messages. Jac Marino Chen, Jenn Nizza, and Doreen Virtue expose this hidden danger.

    In contrast, biblical meditat...

  • Reincarnation and Past Lives Debunked...

    The New Age falsely teaches that we live multiple lifetimes through reincarnation. Borrowed from Hindu mythology, the New Age proclaims that our problems can be blamed upon our past lives. But what does the Bible say?

    In this episode of New Age to New Heart, Jac Marino Chen, Jenn Nizza, and Dor...