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Despisers of Grace - Theocast

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How Satan Uses the Law - Theocast

Theocast - Rest in Christ • 41m

Up Next in Theocast - Rest in Christ

  • Despisers of Grace - Theocast

    When people look at the liberal-conservative divide—or perhaps the loose versus strict legalistic divide—in the church, they assume there is nothing in common between these groups. However, Jon and Justin disagree. We believe that both of these groups can be described as despisers of grace. Today...

  • More Than Forgiven - Theocast

    Many believers struggle with doubts about whether they truly belong to Christ, often because their lives don’t look the way they want. Is Jesus only enough for the forgiveness of sins, or is there more to what He has accomplished in us? The answer is yes—He is better than you’ve ever imagined. He...

  • What About Tongues, Healing, and Prop...

    Have you ever had someone say, “The Lord told me to tell you…”? How do you process that statement? What about modern prophecies, miracles, visions, and dreams? As Reformed, conservative Christians, how do we interpret these things through Scripture? That is the focus of today’s podcast. We want t...