Faith & Experience (Part 2) - E.29 - The Humble Skeptic Podcast
The Humble Skeptic Podcast - Shane Rosenthal
How can we know whether religious experiences are authentic, or just a trick of the brain? And if they really are supernatural, how we be sure that they emanate from the God of the Bible, as opposed to the Koran? Too often we allow our experiences to confirm that which we already believe. On this episode, Shane discusses this with believers from a wide variety of faiths and also airs the second half of his conversation with Dr. J.R. Miller, author of One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.
Up Next in The Humble Skeptic Podcast - Shane Rosenthal
Faith & Experience (Part 1) - E.28 - ...
Mormons know their religion is true because they experience a “burning in the bosom.” Pentecostal Christians believe they have proof of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit because they speak in tongues. So how are we to know which religious experiences are truly authentic? Is experience a proper wa...
Greg Koukl on Street Smarts - E.27 - ...
Have you ever noticed that conversations about religion and politics tend to produce more heat than light? Because most of us are aware of this, we tend to avoid conversations relating to our deepest convictions. So how can we discuss our beliefs with others in a way that ends up producing more l...
The Big Picture - E.26 - The Humble S...
Have you ever been puzzled by things you read in the Bible? For example, why does the book of Exodus spend so much time walking through all the meticulous details related to the Tabernacle? On this episode, Shane Rosenthal talks with J. Daniel Hays about the Bible’s grand narrative, which helps u...