What Did Jesus Do? - R.C. Sproul - Ligonier Ministries
The Infancy Hymns - E.2 - What Did Jesus Do? - RC Sproul
Episode 2
Throughout the Old Testament, God's major redemptive acts were celebrated in song. The Song of Moses in Exodus 15 celebrated the redemption of Israel from Egypt. The Song of Deborah in Judges 5 celebrated the defeat of the Canaanites. These and other songs are found throughout Israel's history—many in the book of Psalms. All of these earlier redemptive acts, however, paled in comparison to the incarnation of the Son. In this lecture, Dr. R.C. Sproul looks at three songs that celebrated the coming of the Messiah.
Up Next in Season 1
Boy Jesus in the Temple - E.3 - What ...
The New Testament tells us very little about the years between Jesus' birth and the beginning of His ministry. The gospel of Luke contains the one significant account that exists—the story of Jesus' visit to the temple at the age of twelve. In this lecture, Dr. R.C. Sproul explains what we can le...
Baptism - E.4 - What Did Jesus Do? - ...
After four hundred years of silence, the voice of prophecy resumed in Israel with the arrival of John the Baptist. He came, calling all Israel to repent and be baptized. Jesus' baptism by John marks the official beginning of His public ministry. In this lecture, Dr. R.C. Sproul looks closely at t...
Temptation - E.5 - What Did Jesus Do?...
Immediately after His baptism, Jesus is driven into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil. We are reminded here not only of Israel's testing in the wilderness, but of the original test—the temptation of Adam. In this lecture, Dr. R.C. Sproul compares and contrasts the temptations of the first...