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A Change of Heart - Allen Nelson - Exposit the Word

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  • A Change of Heart - Allen Nelson - Ex...

    Book description:

    "Not long ago, I was asked to write on the topic, "If Christianity is so good, why are Christians so bad?"—a question made vastly more difficult by the problem of "false professors" in the pews. I'm grateful that Allen Nelson has accessibly, persuasively, and winsomely laid out...

  • Chp. 6: Chronic Suffering with Endura...

    In Chapter 6 Brooke reads an excerpt on what endurance is and looks at examples of saints in the Bible who endured and how Christ endured to fulfill the plan of the Father for salvation for those who God set his love on to believe the gospel. She also discusses the hymn lyrics More Love to Thee O...

  • Nice Skeptics - S7:E8 - The Way of th...

    Christians aren’t the only nice people, but it takes more than being nice to make it into heaven.