Called Out of Darkness - P14 - True and False Spiritual Warfare
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We continue our discussion of the host of heaven, showing that though the Jews were keeping the Sabbaths and festivals that God prescribed they were far from God and they were under the host of heaven. Many people today think they are Christians because they keep religious traditions that God has never prescribed. The only way to truly please God is through saving faith.
We go on to discuss enlightenment. In Ephesians 5 Paul tells us that we were once in darkness but now are light in the Lord. The religions of Asia minor, much like the pagan religions of today, offered mystery enlightenment. But true enlightenment comes through the gospel and is found in Christ alone. We cannot go searching in the darkness to find enlightenment from God. We have been called out of darkness and need to “walk as children of Light” (Ephesians 5:8b).
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