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Growing In Godliness - D.4 - Open Hearts Conference 2023

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A Tale of Revival and Super Bowl Prophecy - The Lovesick Scribe Podcast

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  • Growing In Godliness - D.4 - Open Hea...

    Session 1 (9:00 AM - 9:50 AM CST):
    Penny Amack - "Who is That I am to be Like? - Expounding on God our Father."

    Intermission (9:50 AM - 10:00 AM CST)

    Session 2 (10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CST):
    Michelle Lesley - "How to Study the Bible."

  • What’s the Difference Between Prayer ...

    Can Christians "speak things into existence"? Pastor Adriel Sanchez discusses the difference between prayer and manifestation.

    Original Video:

  • If God Hates Divorce, Why Did He Comm...

    If God hates divorce, why did he command it in Ezra 10? Call us with your questions on the Bible and the Christian life now at 833-843-2673. Check out our free offer for AGTV viewers: