The lives of millions of Christians around the world have been changed through the ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. But how much do those of us who esteem him so highly really know about Charles Spurgeon, the man?
What were the events that shaped his life and made him the man who would be known as the Prince of Preachers? Through the Eyes of Spurgeon invites you to explore with us where and how Spurgeon lived, to follow his steps, to embrace the legacy he has left us.
Join us in seeing the world of Charles Spurgeon through his eyes.
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Establishing Scripture as the Supreme...
The Roman Catholic Church does not submit to the supreme authority of Scripture in matters of faith and practice. Yet, we must inform Catholics there is no higher authority than our almighty God and Creator, who reveals objective truth through His inspired, inerrant Word. Throughout Scripture we ...
Intro & Sufficiency - E.1 - Spiritual...
An introduction to biblical spiritual warfare and the doctrine of the sufficiency of scripture.
For more information on Jim Osman: -
Roundtable: Peters & Osman vs. Brown ...
Every book in the New Testament, with the exception of Philemon, contains warnings about false teachings. Wolves in sheep's clothing pose a real threat to believers, and Scripture teaches us to mark and avoid them (Romans 16:17-18). However, there is substantial disagreement within the church reg...