Cancer is Not Your Shepherd - Mike Abendroth
Introduction - Cancer Is Not Your Shepherd
Episode 1
8m 47s
"You have cancer." These are frightening and common words that many of us or our loved ones might hear. But how should Christians respond?
This new teaching series reminds us that while cancer can lead and destroy, it is not in charge. Jesus is our Good and Great Shepherd. He loves us, cares for us, protects us, and guides us. He will never leave us or forsake us.
You are not alone in your journey. Trust in Jesus with your life and eternal destiny. No matter the trials, the Lord is always by your side.
Join us as we explore this profound truth and find comfort in the unchanging love of our Savior.
Up Next in Season 1
You Have Cancer - E.1 - Cancer Is No...
Are you a Christian with cancer? Your identity is in Christ, not your diagnosis. Join pastor Mike as he reminds us of the truth of the believer’s union with Christ.
Hebrews & Cancer - E.2 - Cancer Is No...
Cancer (or any sickness or trial) reveals the need for help and assistance. Where does the hurting Christian go for sympathy, grace, and mercy? The Book of Hebrews is the answer because it reveals the perfect High Priest, Jesus Christ.
Invisible Realities - E.3 - Cancer Is...
So much of having cancer is visible and tangible: blood test results, scan outcomes, diagnostic conclusions. But as Christians, we know there are invisible realities at work. These come from the hand of a good God who is literally—although in an unseen fashion—working good in every Christian with...